Greetings and salutations

Is it absolutely pathetic that I am starting a blog simply to have a place to post updates for the 24 Hour Read-a-Thon?  I hope not, but in my defense, I have been saying that I would start a blog like this for a couple years now and just never found the time or energy to do so.

It also helps that I should be writing a paper for a class right now.  Books (and book blogs) are a great way to avoid doing the work I ought to be doing, don’t you think?

Anyway, I suspect the first few entries here will be related to the book binge that is the Read-a-Thon, but I hope to continue posting on the books I am reading.  I tend to seek out the classics and “great works” of literature, but I also indulge in fluffy teeny-bopper stuff on occasion.  On the side, I am trying to catch up on the great children’s literature that I missed when I was a child.  I have high hopes that I will post thoughts on all of these here and I welcome anyone who wants to join me on the journey.

Till then, perhaps you should check out the Read-a-Thon.  Nothing like ignoring the world for an entire day to sink into a TBR pile!  Happy reading!

-Miss C


Author: Miss C

Miss C is completely enamored with the written word. While pursuing a Master's Degree, she also teaches full time at a classical charter school. She lives with two cats and readily admits that they are usually the ones in charge of the place.

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